Longing for Paris by Sarah Mae (book review)
Every time I go to do something while Princess sleeps, she wakes up. I kid you not. Last night, I waited for her to wake up for another bottle. I waited an hour before going to bed and JUST as my lids got heavy "waa." Just now, I decided to write this overdue post and "waa." How does she know? Anyway... image via longingforparis.com website I don't remember why I wanted to read " Longing for Paris " by Sarah Mae. I don't remember feeling a particular longing the way Sarah Mae longs for Paris (I still don't have one big dream like that). However, I've been a long-time fan of hers through her blog and book "Desperate." Sometimes I just like to read a familiar author's work. It took me quite awhile to get into the book. I just wasn't feeling what she was feeling about the longing, the desire for "joy, beauty, and adventure." Sure, I'd love an adventure, but really who has the time or money for such ext