
Showing posts from May, 2012

Moose says

"I was helping Daddy." "I was laying and I say, 'ouch!'" "Squirt playing golf in his underwear" "And I played with Ti-ti Alyson" Me: What's this a picture of? Moose: Of me, of my new house! That's right, we're home. :) Thank you, Lord!

the day has finally arrived!

Ladies and gents, it's the day we've been waiting for!  It's MOVING DAY!!! Enjoy the long weekend. Thank a service man or woman. Send a prayer up to the Lord for the blessings in your life. I know I will.

Called to Controversy by Ruth Rosen (book review)

I had previously heard of Jews for Jesus, but that's all. I assumed their mission was bringing the people of Israel to fulfillment by knowing God's Son, Jesus, and the sacrifice He made on the cross at Calvary. So I decided to review "Called to Controversy" by Ruth Rosen. Ruth is the daughter of Moishe Rosen, founder of the Jews for Jesus movement. This book is Moishe's biography, but Ruth herself says it's hard to speak of Moishe without Jews for Jesus and vice versa. I thought this book had some wonderful content. It was amazing to read about Moishe's wife, Ceil's conversion to Christianity and subsequently, Moishe's. So sad was the division as they were cast out of their families because of their faith in the Truth. Jewish converts are often cast out of their families - maybe not in today's universalist society, but definitely back in the 50s and 60s. I loved reading about Moishe's street preaching ministry. I've never seen a str

another praise!

Sorry for these short posts (and no pictures...oh but I have a good one to add today), but God has just really been blessing us! We signed for our house yesterday and that was so exciting! I'm finally excited about buying (was always wary of getting my hopes up in case the whole thing fell through)!! Today we got a bill for Squirt's allergist appointment (while I was gone in the Philippines he had the scratch tests done and they came back negative and he doesn't seem to have asthma - yay!). It was a nice chunk of change. Squirt is on Medicaid and they'd paid a little bit of it; frustrating because we do pay monthly for his insurance. So I called to see what exactly the charges were for - I hate reading bills, they are all different and have confusing lingo. Praise God, Medicaid picked up the entire bill. This is just wonderful for us; we did have the money to pay but it would have made things kind of tight. Just another wonderful way that our Lord knows our needs an

praise praise praise

I've been talking about home owning for a long time now! I guess I just envisioned getting married, buying a house, having kids, and living there forever. Not exactly how God planned my life and thank Him for that. However, He has granted us a huge blessing Tuesday (as He does with smaller ones daily) as we signed the papers for our house! I promise to post pictures when I get some, but we'll be moving over the weekend, so be patient. Let me just say again thank you to the Lord. Thank You, Abba, for this stability in this crazy world. Please use it for Your glory and Your plans.

prayer request

My mom is having ankle surgery today at 9am. If you could pray for her, for the surgeons and nurses, that would be so nice of you. Thanks

WW: send my praise to heaven

I’M GONNA JUMP UP AND DOWN, Gonna spin right around, Gonna praise Your Name forever. Gonna shout out loud, Gonna deafen the crowd, Gonna send my praise to heaven. I will run this race and I will never stop. I’ll follow Jesus till the day I drop. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When you’ve got such a lot, When you’ve got not a lot, What? Be happy! A kids song by Doug Horley called “I’m Gonna Jump Up and Down” that our children's Sunday School (ages 3-5) sang on Mother's Day. Moose was adorable, if I do say so myself. :)

the kids

Much of our time was spent with the children who live near and hang out at First Love Community Church. It's summertime there, so school is out of session. Most of these kids have at least moms, some have dads, but some have neither. This is Jeffte (Jeff T). He was precious! I think he was 3, looked about 2. His grandma Mila Rose and his mom Ahn (she taught us bead work) were around off and on during the week. Jennie (pink) is a college student (19) who works with the kids. She was practicing with these kids for their special dance for Sunday's service. They danced to "Who Am I."  Gino is in the yellow. He's the pastor's son. I didn't get to know many of the boys during this trip. Here's Jay & Kaitlyn learning the dance, too. I showed off my dance skills for about 2.5 seconds before remembering that I don't dance well. ha! Jeffte again. His older brother looks just like him, too. the kids were singing us another

the resort

This may not be the "resort" you're thinking of but it was a simple hotel (nothing fancy but simple) with great pools (three...that us girls never did end up using), a breakfast area, and all of these picnic table - type things. LM on our vanity - the rooms were very pink our nicely made bed coconut trees outside our window! one of the cool pools the birds caged outside our hotel this vehicle is called a Jeepney derived from WWII American Jeeps but repurposed and made bigger to accommodate a lot of people for transport. You see them ALL OVER! We thought their "how's my driving" signs were funny because the driving over there is crazy. I should have taken a picture of my haphazard neatness (meaning I know where everything is in their piles) and Jay's real neatness. :) the view from Kait's room