Boys in Motion: marble run
Once upon a time,
there was a little boy named Moose.
Moose was in love...
with marbles.
It all started with an Ok Go music video.
Then it expanded to marble runs.
A friend's house, play group, and preschool.
I looked online
from Etsy to Amazon.
I couldn't find what I wanted
or they were too much moolah!
Then something amazing happened.
At pre-school dropoff,
Miss Jane
had something for Moose.
marble run!
AND I'm slightly jealous you have MARBLES, because I've been wanting to do marble painting! Place a piece of paper in a cookie sheet or something. Blob a little paint on the paper then roll the marble all over letting it randomly spread the paint all over. You can leave your painting like this or cut out fun shapes (like hearts for Valentines or anything else) after the paint dries.