
Showing posts from February, 2019

When I Pray for You by Matthew Paul Turner, illustrated by Kimberley Barnes (children's book review)

Prayer comes naturally to me in only one form: for my children. I have to work harder to take the time to pray for most all else. Matthew Paul Turner must know the heart of parents for their children because his new book “When I Pray for You” perfectly articulates those prayers laid at the feet of Our Savior.    What I love: This book knows prayers - real prayers from parents: prayers for well-being (emotional and physical), for their futures, their passions. Prayers when they are cute and cuddly. Prayers for when they aren’t. Prayers to help them along or watch them fly solo. All the prayers summarized in this lyrical, beautifully illustrated book. Too often when a book is about prayer, it's very vague. While this book does not articulate specific prayers, it does encompass what we pray about when we pray for our children!  I’ve read through it with each of my kids - 11, 9, 3, and 7 months old. Each line fit them perfectly (especially the one about light saber fights!!)

Simple Discipleship by Dana Allin (book review)

Discipleship is not something that has been a huge part of my walk with Christ. I was not really discipled in college when I first surrendered to Christ. I honestly didn't know much about it - accountability partners were a bigger thing then. While those do have some discipleship aspects to them, their goal is different, I think, if only slightly. Then we moved a lot before settling where we are now in Kansas. We have been here for eight years and discipleship has been something I've heard more and more about each year we are here. This is my year for it - I've asked someone to start discipling me and I've decided to disciple a girl I know. Of course, I say it hasn't been a huge part of my walk but I have been discipling my children for going on 12 years now. This is natural discipleship for me - they are part of me, part of my home, I see them daily. Now, I have grown more intentional as they've grown - again, I just didn't know much about disciplining my