Last night, Moose had a Grand Mal seizure. I was sitting beside him when it happened (thank You Lord!). Ambulance was called, but we decided to not take him to the hospital. There is not much you can do for a seizure except wait it out unless it lasts so long. Our neurologist said to take him to the ER if they last 8-10 minutes. This was less than 5. However, in all of this and talking to a few people, there have been some misconceptions about Moose's seizures. Big A and I thought we have explained it well, but apparently not. And it's difficult when you're not in the situation yourself to fully understand. So I wanted to lay out a blanket explanation. Now, keep in mind that this is what I know so I may get some thing wrong; I'm not a doctor or nurse or have any medical training beyond CPR (even that's iffy). Most of Moose's seizures have been petit mal seizures. Petit mal: " a mild form of epilepsy characterized by brief spells of unconsciousness