family updates

Not much news in the way of family. I am feeling much better (mostly) - thank You, Lord! I'm still not up for doing much around the house, but I can get some laundry done and have even done dishes (that smell is awful, let me tell you).

Today I have kiddo home sick. Poor Moose. He was warm at bedtime and shivering. Even at church that morning, he kept saying he was cold. It's cold. It's Kansas. I didn't think much of it. Then after I'd turned out the lights for myself, I heard him up and in the bathroom. Diarrhea. Poor thing. I heard him a few other times in the night, but he's definitely growing up. He didn't come to me even once, although I did get up to check on him.

So while we're enjoying back-to-back movies (something we only do when someone is sick), I thought I'd write on my blog (before writing more book reviews).

My belly is getting bigger. This picture was taken a few weeks ago (I'm 19 weeks today).

I've been running still - sparsely and slowly. I've walked some and done some yoga, too. I'm already more active than I've been in prior pregnancies. The weight gain is mentally tough, but I'm hungry all the time and not usually for healthy items, so I'll deal with the weight later.

I can feel the baby move around sometimes; I love this time when it's like a secret only for me. And yet I cannot WAIT for the boys and Big A to be able to feel the kicks and movements, too. I am very excited about that. Squirt and Moose are excited, too.

My next ultrasound is March 13. The boys will be joining us since they start spring break that day. I am planning on finding out the baby's gender, but I'm not sure if we'll share that news or not. I'm not even sure Big A is going to find out, although neither of us thinks I can keep it secret. We'll see.

Moose had his Blue & Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts this past weekend. He did a great job singing his den's song and telling his jokes. He does need to learn to not get quite so loud in the microphone, but better loud than mumbling, I think.

Not much else going on around here, just waiting for spring! We've had some pockets of wonderfully warm weather this winter but I'm ready for green grass and park time!


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