31 days of fitness: Day 3

You want to be a runner? If you don't, that's fine, too, but this is probably the wrong post for you. Back to you wannabe runners. Here's the thing: it's so easy! Well, it's easy to start. I won't say it's easy to keep going. Some days it will be. Some days it will be hard every step, every gasping breath of the way.

Running is like that. There's the elusive runner's high - which is fantastic! But there are many days of "ugh" running. I think you just keep going after the pie in the sky. One step at a time.

There are wonderful programs to help you start running. C25K (Couch to 5K) has wonderful reviews (just Google it). Jeff Galloway's method of walk/run is very popular right now. How did I start? I just started running a few minutes in every walk. I walked about a half an hour and my first few runs were only 4-6 minutes.

The next component is very important: set a goal! Run a 5K/10K/half-marathon/marathon. Run for a set amount of minutes without stopping. Run in a foreign country. Run to pick your kid up from school. Run to work (and home again).

Whatever your goal is, tell people. The more, the better. It's called accountability and will help you stick to your plan. Speaking of, get a plan. You can't just go out and run a half marathon (although my friend's husband did in college once, but most of us cannot do that without dying). Google "5K training plan" (or click here for "How to Become a Runner") or find a running coach (you can find one online too). My friend, Kelly, who helped me to my new half marathon PR, has a great program called 3-3-3 (3 days, 3 months, 3 miles) that will take you to running 3 miles in 3 months by running 3 days a week.

I know I've oversimplified it. There are obstacles to running - time and support being the biggest commodities. My husband and I arrange our schedules so we can both workout. I couldn't do it without him. So find someone to support you - boyfriend, mom, friend, neighbor. And remember to schedule your time!


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