1st day of preschool
a good start to a big day! |
1st day of school time! |
ready to go, Mama |
freezing morning! |
Moose & his teacher, Miss D |
cuddle time with mama |
sock puppet stole the pacifier! |
give it back! |
dancing with hair brushes |
Squirt & I went home, he ate his banana for breakfast. And we cuddled for awhile. Then we read stories and I chased him around the living room (he loves that). Seriously, we didn't do much at home. We sang songs...well, I sang and Squirt danced. Then we headed to the library before picking up "Bubba."
Moose and his classmates were headed out the door as I came to pick him up. He said good-bye to his teachers (I need to get pictures of his classmates so he learns their names easier) and wanted to ride the bus....I told him he gets to ride with his mama. He didn't (can't?) really tell me about his day but Miss D sent home a note (LOVE that), but just said "school over" - not upset or happy, just matter of factly. He said he wants to go back on Monday. AND he has school pictures on the 9th and can send valentines on the 14th. I'm excited for things like that.
His teacher's note said:
"Tristan had a GREAT day!
You are right! He loves music. He played in the water table with sharks and whales. He pushed the semi with farm animals in it. We fingerpainted a fish for group work. He went to the restroom at 10 and sat to urinate (haha...I love that she said that). We read an animal book and had a few crackers and chocolate milk for a snack. We did puzzles and sang songs. You guys are awesome parents. Tristan had great skills. You can really tell you guys have worked hard with him. Keep up the awesome work. IT shows :-)
Have a warm weekend.
Miss D"
She told me she was impressed by his skills and I just said Moose does a lot of hard work for me. And he does. Just this week he started to say "bless this Food to our bodies" instead of "bless this Bood to our bodies" for his meal prayer, and he says "Hummingbird" instead "Cummingbird." So proud of these little accomplishments!!
Anyway, that's all and I guess on Monday he'll go back to school. :D
And that sock puppet - I think he needed a time out for taking the pacifier. :)