Rock Your Socks 10K

I ran in the Rock Your Socks Half Marathon & 10K Virtual Race yesterday (found here). I meant to run Saturday but my husband worked all day, so I didn't get the chance.
After staying up way too late watching Return of the King, I set out just after 6am for my 10K. It was hard! Lots of hills to contend with (no dogs, surprisingly). I ended up walking parts of it so that time really isn't that bad! I ate a banana right before my run; probably not the best idea (although I didn't throw it up so that was good). I almost passed out awhile after I got home, but some water and PB&J rejuvenated me.
I found a nice riding place for my water bottle in the back of my sports bra (haha). Anyway, let's just say I'm glad it's done. My first 10K!

Sorry no pictures. I didn't Rock My Socks...I barely have any plain white socks let alone fun ones.


Gledwood said…
10 kilometres! That's some achievement, Big Congratulations!

I do hope you had a good pair of running shoes!

You must have bloody holes in your socks! And I do mean "bloody" literally...

... Not to mention blisters galore!!

Congatulations! You achieved something I would never be able to in a million years...

(I blame my "sprinter's legs" for it, ho-ho ;->... )
Erin said…
ALL RIGHT!!! Congrats! What a great accomplishment! Something to be proud of!
Jen said…
Congrats on your first 10K. I have never heard of the back of the sports bra water bottle holder! Is the Patent pending? LOL!

Just found your blog from the RYSO race!
Congrats on your first 10k, another accomplishment!
Alicia said…
good for you!!!! that's awesome!!! i'm so proud of you lady!! :)
Happy said…
I'm in awe! Great job Randi! In catching up over here I am super impressed at your perspective on weight loss and how you emphasized feeling HEALTHIER than before. That's a good reason to want to lose weight and you go one step actually lose the weight! So excited for you, dear!

And I love the goofy boys post...those guys are super cute! And Squirt is gonna need a new nickname cause he's not a Squirt anymore!! :)

Love the sidebar butttons Meet The Club too! Looking good all over lady!
Vicki said…
Yay! Congrats! I'm going to run a 10K in October. Starting my training now. When is your next one?
tiarastantrums said…
WOW - I am SO IMPRESSED! I hate to run - hee hee

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