why my husband is the best/Wordful Wednesday

Alright, I could go on and on about why Big A is the best husband in the world (yes, even better than yours...sorry). BUT for today I will focus on ONE thing and ONE thing only: MOPS.
Once a month, me and other Mothers of Pre-Schoolers (hence, MOPS) get together to gab, eat, be creative, and learn about the theme of the month. My very good friend Mama A-Team got me involved in this (God bless her!) organization (which you should check out if you are a mama of a pre-schooler).
Anyway, while we do all of those lovely womanly things, we get to do this sans children. Some of the moms in my MOPS group have 6 children so I know this is a lovely little treat for them (and for me who has a lonely only for now).
Tuesday, I got to MOPS after having left Moose with Big A as he had the day off of work. I figured there would be less tears this way. I got there and the Steering Committee (the ones who steer us through the year) were talking about how short they were in the daycare portion of MOPS. Our poor little Mopettes were going to be terrorizing only 2 ladies that day (ok not terrorizing but let's face it, kids are not angels in big groups). So I said, "I'll call Big A." The ladies didn't seem to think that would be fruitful or at least said that he didn't have to do that. But I said he was only at home so he wouldn't mind.
I called him, and here comes why I love him: he said to give him 15-20 minutes and he'd be there. Now I know he would have much rather stayed at home to play on the computer or veg in front of the television. But he sucked it up and came to watch probably 15-20 children ages 0-5. Of course, he wasn't alone; a few of the Steering Committee even skipped out on the meeting to provide child care. How sweet are they?
When I got off the phone, I said he'd be there shortly. I was met with stares of disbelief. One lady said her husband would NOT do that. Another two said their husbands may have (Big A really hoped another husband would be there...sorry, babe). But then Mama A-Team said she knew Big A was good with her daughter so he'd be fine. He was!
But even after all that jazz, Big A said he still isn't opposed to more children. He did say he did not want Moose to go to daycare again because of the chaos it imposes (and that was just 2 hours BUT with way more kids than an at-home daycare would have).
What a great guy, right?!?!

AND he's a good sport when it comes to pictures. I leave you with this (please keep in mind this was staged but beforehand he was doing this on his own...I don't know why except to be silly):

AND....although I'd like to believe that my husband is the only one that rocks, today I have been proven wrong. Jen's husband emailed all of her blog roll friends to surprise her with a virtual blog birthday party! So go with Jen at Buried with Children a very happy birthday and congratulate her on a great husband!


tiarastantrums said…
oh man - super duper points to him - for him! Can he come over here and give my hubbie a couple of lessons. Mine would NEVER in a million zillion years do that for me - other's kids - NO WAY!!! Open to more kids - please help me!! How do I get my hubbie to say this?
Your husband is my hero!! I think I'll have mine read this next time I have to leave him with just two ;)
Cecily R said…
Wow. What a great guy you have!!!! And that picture? Hilarious!
Anonymous said…
Your husband is a good sport..
I think the last picuture I seen of him.. he was in the bathtub..lol.

You guys are to fun..
Becky D said…
What a guy! I know Nick couldn't have handled that. You truly found a perfect catch for you!
Big A totally rocks. Totally. What a guy. You scored! :)
EmmaP said…
awww....i can see why you love him so much! very cool!
Brandy said…
Big A is definately a keeper!
What a wonderful husband you have. Thanks for sharing -- Much Love

KatieZ said…
Your Hubby and my Hubby should get together. Mine would do the same, however he would never pose for a great pic like that!
Jennie said…
great guy.. I have one of those too, aren't they great!!! is that a soothie pacifier? only asking, because that is what my daughter uses and I finally made a paci holder / clip that works for a soothie, and if you ever needed / wanted one I would so make you one... let me know!
Thanks for the suggestion - I have been trying to find a MOPS group that I can go to, so far none fit the working mom schedule (nothing fits a working mom schedule)
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh he needs an award. My husband would of NEVER EVER done that. Course my husband whines and crys when I leave him with the 3 kids. Which is Monday thru Friday!! lol
Unknown said…
Your hubby ROCKS... I have a great hubby...but he wouldn't have signed up for that! KEEPER...

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