The Crimson Cord (Rahab's story) by Jill Eileen Smith

Historical fiction is something I believe we need to be cautious of reading so that fiction does not turn itself to fact in our minds. That said, I enjoy historical fiction greatly. "The Crimson Cord" by Jill Eileen Smith gives us a look into the life of Rahab, of which there really is not much said in the Bible.

I learned something new while reading this book: that people of Jewish faith traditionally believe that  Rahab married Joshua. I grew up believing that she married Salmon in the lineage of Jesus Christ, so that was news to me.

This telling of Rahab's life was a look I'd never given it - how did she come into prostitution, what was her life like, how was she so easily in faith of the one true God? "The Crimson Cord" does a wonderful job weaving a tale that does not leave her in rose-colored glasses but also does give some compassion to her way of life.

Smith did a great job of weaving historical fact, Biblical fact, and fiction together in a seamless story of love, hurt, and grace. Which, ultimately, is the goal of any piece of writing about the Bible, I believe.

Disclaimer: I received this book in order to write this review. Others' opinions may differ from mine.


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