our busiest time of the year

I'm not a fan of being busy but it seems to slip into my life unbeknownst to me. Thankfully, this July hasn't been nearly as busy as past ones. However, we still have birthdays to celebrate (Moose - 1, Squirt - 10, Big A - 24) so there's always some hustle in our bustle this time of the year. Here are some pictures of our birthday celebrations for the kiddos.

First up: Moose's birthday. I've been buying the boys a balloon from Dollar General for a few years. They kind of end up with the same kinds of balloons because the selection is...small. But they don't care! Squirt was disappointed I didn't put streamers over their doorway to break open this year. Oops.

On the days of the birth, I made them pancakes. I even made a 7 and 5 on their respective days.

Instead of a picnic playdate this year, we invited one friend to lunch. Moose chose his friend E to have lunch. Then they played in the sprinkler, watched a tv show, painted faces, played Don't Break the Ice. Then we ended up staying at her house for a few hours, me chatting with her mom and sister. Very great.

I love this picture. What a handsome little guy.

My painting skills are about this good. Squirt as Batman. I didn't get a picture of E and I don't paint Moose's face because he rubs it off in 5 seconds.

Next up: Squirt turned 5. Yes, that's the same balloon that Moose had...well, same kind. 2 balloons, both Spider-man. DG is lacking in the superhero balloon department.

Miss B came and had lunch at the park with us! Then we played for awhile and ended up at her house for awhile. Her family is lots of fun with 5 kids.

Big A & I had a good time at lunch together until he had to go back to work. Jeez, it's like he loves his job or needs to pay bills or something.

On Moose's birthday we had chocolate chip banana bread. For Squirt I made something similar but more in cookie form. Both only semi-healthy. The boys love it if there's an inkling of chocolate in it.

On to the big ol' party!!! I drew this Emmet by hand from only looking online. Woo! If you know my lack of artistic skills, this would impress you. It was used for Pin the Piece of Resistance on Emmet's back. If you haven't seen The Lego Movie, this makes no sense and you should see the movie because it's awesome.

My homemade pinata! I love Emmet's face! Wouldn't you look like that if a bunch of 2-7 year olds were going to whack you?!

This cake frosting was amazing (except the black which is always disgusting because of too much food coloring) except the color was separating from the frosting so if you look too close it's kind of gross-looking. However, Emmet came out just fine for me.

My niece playing Pin the Piece of Resistance on Emmet's Back. I think pin the... games are fun for littles this age. My pictures are taken by Moose so excuse any fuzziness.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, mac & cheese (homemade), mashed potato salad (via The Pioneer Woman), juice, and chips. That makes a great birthday dinner.

After lunch we headed outside for the pinata. We had nothing to hang it from so we precariously hung it from the bottom of our trampoline. It worked just fine. However, my pinata was a little tougher than I thought it'd be (seriously, I used a broken box I taped together with Scotch tape...these kids need more muscles).

Squirt started us off, followed by Moose (below).

Then Grandpa A took out his pocket knife and made us a few holes to help the kids out. It really didn't help them. LOL

After this hit, Big A tore it open with his hands and out came the candy! Yum! It was funny the kids really didn't go after all the candy, so the moms helped out.

I love singing happy birthday is one of my favorite parts of birthdays. I usually sing it a few times to them on their birthdays and then the big finale when we do the cake on the birthday party day.

After everyone had left, my dad, Grandpa R, helped Big A to put in a new light fixture in our kitchen. It's nice having someone who knows electrician-y stuff around!! Except we need a step stool rather than balancing on our barstools.

The boys got a slip n' slide for their birthday! I had to don my bathing suit and show them how to do it (ouch) but they sure had fun!

Neither goes on their belly - Moose goes on his hands & knees and Squirt goes on his bottom or like below (doesn't that look painful?!). Fun!

Next up is Big A's birthday this Thursday. He turns 3-0 but instead of throwing a big shindig like I want to (it's not about me!), we're having some of our dear friends over for supper. I'm totally excited!


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