Managing God's Money by Randy Alcorn (review)

Managing God's Money by Randy Alcorn is a Biblical guide to using God's money for His purposes. Too often we think of only our tithe as God's money, but it all belongs to Him. Basically that's what Mr. Alcorn shares in this book.

In the Bible itself, Jesus shares more about money than any other topic. It's a vital part of our lives - we need money to buy food, shelter, clothing. However, money can also be used to expand God's kingdom. We are given biblical commands about feeding and clothing orphans and widows. There are many ways to do that, but often it becomes a financial issue.

I don't believe it's wrong to have nice things but I do believe that we need to pray about our income and the way we spend it. It's important to use this money how God intends, not how we intend. I've come to realize that with buying a home, I don't want a big fancy home (never have) but I would like an area where I can host people overnight and for dinner. I enjoy opening my home to people now and I think that dining with people is a great way to get to know them intimately.

Anyway, the book itself was dry. Very dry. I read the first few chapters and skimmed the rest. I just couldn't get interested, no matter if the material was Biblical or not. I think if I were more financially inclined, it would have been an easier read. But let's face it, I'm an English major for a reason (not to say that some English majors wouldn't enjoy it, it's just not my cup of tea).

Disclaimer: I reviewed this book from Tyndale Publishers. I only received the book in order to facilitate an honest review. Others may or may not like the book.


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