Operation Christmas Child

Perhaps you have heard of Operation Christmas Child. Perhaps not. 
If you haven't, please allow me to share some information with you.

received shoe boxes last year

have received shoe boxes since 1993

To demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Incredible that so many lives have been impacted because of shoe boxes.
Of course, these aren't just shoe boxes - they are prayerfully filled shoe boxes.

How do you participate?

Get a shoe box (standard size). I have also seen plastic containers used, too.
I like to wrap mine (wrap lid separately from the box).

Choose your gender & age group: we chose a 2-4 year old boy 
because we happen to have a son in that age group. 
However, I would like to pack another box for a little girl 
some time (not sure if it'll happen this year or not).

Then you fill the box with gifts.
There are recommendations on the Samaritan's Purse/OCC site.

This is what we filled ours with this year:

Some smarties (candy is allowed but use hard candy & double bag it)
and a few toothbrushes with toothpaste.

A little play pack I found at Dollar General. 
It comes with crayons, stickers, and a small coloring book.

Jumbo crayons (you can never have too many colors, right?)
a little blank notebook (some kids don't like to color with lines)
Sesame Street flash cards: shapes & colors
A magic writer - like a magnadoodle

Noah's Ark matching game
Little Hot Wheels color change car
a pink bouncy ball (my boys LOVE the one we have)
tiny little dinosaurs

I also like to send a little card with our pictures & address (on back).
On the website it says that if you send your address you may get a reply. 
This is only our second year and we haven't, but that doesn't matter.
What matters is a little boy having a Christmas gift.
(I also included a gospel tract in our box)

There is still time for you to participate in Operation Christmas Child.
The gifts don't have to be extravagant because even the small things
count as big when they come from the heart.


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