Family Fun Fall Foliage
Here's some pictures of my boys & I playing in the leaves outside our apartment.
Big A let the wind blow leaves towards Moose.
My beautiful boys!! Excuse Moose's weird hair-do (darn wind)
Me and my Moose!
To comment briefly on the election results, all I have to say is God bless Barack Obama, God bless his staff & council. I pray this is the best for this country. I am saddened this morning as I watch and flip between news programs. No kidding, I have heard ONE person (Maya Angelou) talk about Obama's intelligence. Otherwise, I have only heard how historic this nomination is, how great of a stride this is for the black community, how great to have a black president. Although this is all of those things, I really pray this is not about race. I don't care if a member of the Blue Man Group ran for president & won and we got the first blue president. I want to know if this is the best man for the job; will he be the best for our country. It's a wonderful stride, I'm glad to see color barriers haven't stopped someone from becoming president (although the monetary price tag is a tad outrageous), but please, please, I do hope he has more to offer than his skin color. I know he has his policies, and that's what I want to hear about.
UPDATE: I have taken Honey Mommy's advice. Only kid shows on here this morning!
God bless you, Barack Obama. God bless your family. God bless America.
One of my daughter's only real words is Weeee. I LOVE hearing it. So cute!!
I posted leafy pictures too and now it's snowing like crazy this morning. *sigh*
I am keeping the news off this morning. I heard enough last night!
great pictures.... looks chilly. and of course, throwing leaves is much more fun when you exclaim "wheeeeee"
Nobody, especially Christians, that voted for McCain seem to understand that this was all in God's hands and this is for a reason. God knew that Obama was going to be President before he was born. And I think we can trust in God for that. We have all had that free will to vote for whomever we wanted, but ultimately God knew what was going to happen. I just cannot stand or accept people that are being so selfish and ungrateful toward our country and our God this morning.
Moose reminds me of my nephew when he was little. Adorable!
Thank you for your comment on election put it exactly how I feel!!
I couldn't agree with you more on the election. Even though I didn't vote for him, I pray for Obama and his family and the administration. I pray that God will lead him to do great things for our country and the American people!